Building the Future of Digital Advertising Networks: Decentralized and Distributed Open-Source Adnetwork

Kukuh T Wicaksono
6 min readAug 15, 2024


In an increasingly advanced digital era, online advertising has become a cornerstone for businesses and media. However, advertisers, publishers, and digital entrepreneurs face numerous challenges in utilizing existing ad networks. To address these challenges, we are developing an open-source adnetwork platform that offers innovative solutions through a decentralized, distributed, and federated approach. Currently, the platform is 30% complete, and we proudly present it as part of the future of digital advertising networks.

What Is an Open-Source Adnetwork?

An open-source adnetwork is a platform that allows anyone to access, use, and modify its source code for free. This means that anyone can run their own ad network with complete flexibility. In this context, our platform is designed to enable collaboration and interconnection between various ad networks globally.

Decentralization, Distribution, and Federation: Core Principles of the Platform

This platform is built on three main principles: decentralization, distribution, and federation.

- Decentralization: No single entity or company controls the entire network. Each adnetwork operates independently but can still connect to share data and resources.

- Distribution: Data and functions are spread across multiple servers rather than centralized in one location. This makes the platform more flexible, secure, and resilient.

- Federation: Various connected ad networks can collaborate and share ad data and clicks, allowing cross-network collaboration and expanding ad reach.

Benefits for Advertisers and Publishers

The platform offers significant benefits for both advertisers and publishers/bloggers:

- Advertisers can reach a broader audience as their ads are displayed across multiple interconnected ad networks, not just one. This greatly increases ad exposure.

- Publishers/bloggers have greater opportunities to receive ads from various sources, leading to increased revenue and content diversification.

Opportunities for Digital Entrepreneurs

One of the platform’s key selling points is the opportunity for anyone to become a digital adnetwork entrepreneur. With this open-source platform, anyone can start their own ad network without having to build the infrastructure from scratch. The goal is to establish a community of adnetwork entrepreneurs actively involved in the wider and fairer distribution of digital advertising.

Flexibility in Pricing and Click Fraud Detection

The platform provides flexibility for publishers to set their own click prices, ranging from Rp 20 to Rp 2000. Advertisers can purchase clicks according to their budget, and both publishers and advertisers can adjust pricing or stop ads if they find them ineffective.

Each ad network also has the ability to set its own rules for detecting click fraud. All click transactions will be reported to other networks for validation and secured with hashing technology to ensure data integrity.

Real-Time Transparency and Reporting

This system is designed for complete transparency. The adnetwork will provide reports that include the last 100 clicks, advertiser budget usage, and total publisher earnings. These reports can be accessed in JSON and CSV formats, and are protected by hashing mechanisms.

Data such as the number of clicks, advertiser spending, publisher earnings, the number of advertisers/publishers in each adnetwork, click sources, IP addresses, user agents, click timestamps, and automated click audit results will be displayed in real-time. This is expected to increase trust between publishers, bloggers, and advertisers.

online reports can be accessed by anyone

Ad Formats

The platform supports native ads, which are simple articles consisting of 280 words and a square image. Native ads are designed to blend with content, making them more effective at capturing audience attention.

sample native ads format

Target Market

This platform is suitable for various segments, including:

1. Digital Entrepreneurs who want to start their own adnetwork business with affordable technology.

2. Bloggers and Publishers who want to expand ad opportunities without being limited to a single ad network.

3. Local Advertisers who want to reach a wider audience with flexible costs.

4. Tech Communities interested in open-source solutions and contributing to the development of decentralized ad technology.

With this open-source adnetwork platform, we aim to create a more inclusive and efficient future for digital advertising networks. We believe that through decentralization, distribution, and federation, we can build a more trustworthy, scalable, and profitable ad system for all parties involved.

Are There Similar Ventures?

Yes, several platforms share similar concepts of decentralized, distributed, and federated open-source adnetworks, though not all are fully open or decentralized. Below are some ventures or platforms that resemble this concept:

1. Brave Ads (Brave Browser)

- Description: Brave Ads is part of the Brave Browser ecosystem, allowing users to view more private, blockchain-based ads. Ad revenue is shared between advertisers, users, and the platform using Basic Attention Token (BAT). While Brave is not fully open-source, it leverages decentralized blockchain technology.

- Similarity: Brave offers a fairer revenue distribution model with enhanced user privacy, similar to the decentralization and transparency concepts in your adnetwork.

2. Presearch

- Description: Presearch is a decentralized search engine built on blockchain. It allows advertisers to buy ads on its network, and users are rewarded with PRE tokens for participating in the ecosystem. Presearch aims to create a more transparent ecosystem through a federated model.

- Similarity: Presearch offers a decentralized mechanism for displaying ads and rewarding users, similar to how your adnetwork allows publishers to benefit from multiple ad networks.

3. Adshares

- Description: Adshares is a decentralized blockchain-based ad platform that allows ads to be placed across various networks without relying on a single central controller. It uses blockchain technology to ensure transparency and security, involving various participants in the ad ecosystem.

- Similarity: Adshares employs a decentralized model, ensuring that publishers and advertisers can connect through a more open and transparent system. Its focus on blockchain mirrors your platform’s emphasis on decentralization and transparency.

4. DApp Networks (e.g., BitClout)

- Description: Ad platforms within decentralized apps (DApps) and blockchain networks like BitClout offer decentralized models for managing and distributing content, including ads. While ads are not their primary focus, these platforms open opportunities for developing decentralized ad networks in the future.

- Similarity: DApps often operate with a distributed system similar to the federation concept you envision for adnetwork collaboration.


- Description: is one of the largest contextual advertising networks, working with publishers and advertisers globally. Although not open-source and centralized, provides an adnetwork model that is similar in scale but more centralized.

- Similarity: While not fully open-source, offers a large ad network connecting many publishers and advertisers in one ecosystem, similar to your concept but with a centralized approach.

6. Blockchain Advertising Projects (Tokenized Ad Platforms)

- Several blockchain projects are also exploring ways to make advertising more decentralized and transparent, particularly with tokenized ad platforms. Examples like Basic Attention Token (BAT) from Brave and AdEx Network are working on creating decentralized ad markets.

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Key Differences in Your Concept:

- Open-Source: Many of the above platforms are not fully open-source, making your concept more inclusive for other developers to participate.

- Federation: The federated adnetwork concept you’re developing adds a unique level of flexibility, enabling ad networks to share data and ads openly, which is not yet widely implemented in current ad platforms.

- Real-Time Transparency: The real-time click report feature with full transparency you’re designing is a critical solution for building trust between advertisers and publishers, often lacking in traditional ad networks.

There are some similar platforms and projects, but the combination of open-source, decentralization, federation, and transparency offered by your project makes it unique and potentially fills a gap in the growing digital ad market.

