Membuka Toko Online Comethq.Store

Kukuh T Wicaksono
2 min readAug 24, 2022


Memperkenalkan toko online baru saya di situs ini CometHq.Store. Melayani khusus domisili US (United States) saja, karena menjanjikan waktu pengiriman 1 sampai 3 hari. Semua supplier berasal dari US. Gudang ada di daerah Irvine California. Pembayaran menerima Paypal dan Credit Card. Website atau toko ini mengarahkan pembayaran ke situs paypal, jadi website ini tidak mencatat data sensitif transaksi pembeli seperti data nomor credit card, nama dan expired date credit card, Sangat aman sekali.

Beberapa produk yang sedang trending dan laris , antara lain: Multi Purpose Folding Shovel. Haga $59.99, tapi kalau isi coupun code : shovel_kukuhtw , bisa dapat discount 5%. khusus sampai dengan akhir agustus 2022.

Toko ini juga punya account social media. Terima kasih banyak bila bersedia follow account ini.

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Introducing my new online shop on this site CometHq.Store. Serving specifically for US (United States) domiciles only, because it promises a delivery time of 1 to 3 days. All suppliers are from US. The warehouse is in the Irvine area of California. Payment accept Paypal and Credit Card. This website or shop directs payments to the paypal site, so this website does not record sensitive buyer transaction data such as credit card number data, name and credit card expiration date, very safe.
Some of the products that are trending and in demand include: Multi Purpose Folding Shovel. The price is $ 59.99, but if you fill in the coupon code : shovel_kukuhtw , you can get a 5% discount. specifically until the end of August 2022.

This shop also has social media accounts. Thank you very much if you are willing to follow this account.

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