Rangkuman jasa software development
Tentunya kamu gak mau kan ketinggalan teknologi terbaru buat bisnismu? Nah, dengan layanan kami, kamu bisa dapetin solusi teknologi terbaik buat mempermudah bisnismu. Banyak aplikasi yang bisa kita tawarkan buat menyelesaikan masalah bisnis kamu. Yuk, kita lihat apa aja yang bisa kami bantu:
1. Punya masalah customer service yang banyak banget keluhan? Tenang aja, kami punya aplikasi customer service pake teknologi NLP dengan API dari ChatGPT 3.5 atau 4 OpenAI. Percakapan dengan bot-nya bisa langsung disimpen di dashboard. https://kukuhtw.medium.com/implementasi-client-pertama-api-chatgpt-pada-botbelanja-com-99722572c700 dan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBqPQXzJ0Yw
2. Buat kamu yang jualan online dan terima pesanan via WhatsApp, kami bisa bantu bikin aplikasi WhatsApp bot buat nampung data pesanan dan produk. Pelanggan juga bisa beli banyak item sekaligus dengan ngetik kode SKU yang ada. Nonton videonya di https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIWQEhQFIXo
3. Kamu butuh bantuan buat kirim pesan WhatsApp ke ratusan atau ribuan nomor dengan pesan yang personal? Kita punya aplikasi untuk itu. Pesannya bisa disesuaikan dengan data penerima, seperti nama, jenis kelamin, dan lain-lain. Cek di https://ratakan.com/product/tutorial-dan-source-code-php-mysql-kirim-wa-blast-broadcast-messages-menggunakan-api-gateway-fonnte--4FD
4. Kita bisa bantu bikin aplikasi AI untuk bikin gambar berdasarkan teks. Ada API-nya yang bisa diinstall di cloud atau di laptop/PC. Contohnya ada di https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuhUV6NoZ50 atau https://bikinavatar.com. Kamu juga bisa install aplikasi ini di hosting cloud sendiri.
5. Buat yang butuh bikin gambar atau foto berdasarkan teks dan gambar sketsa, kita punya aplikasi AI-nya juga. Ada API-nya yang bisa diinstall di cloud atau di laptop/PC. Lihat di https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4ZiqI8U6n4
6. Butuh bantuan bikin jadwal shift otomatis? Kita bisa bantu bikin aplikasi untuk itu. Aplikasi ini bisa diinstall di cloud atau di laptop/PC. Nonton videonya di https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdyOAVXf9Fc
7. Buat kamu yang punya bisnis dan butuh aplikasi buat booking pelanggan via WhatsApp, kita bisa bantu bikin aplikasi buat itu. Bisa buat workshop, salon, restoran, klinik, atau bank. Antrian bisa langsung dilihat di dashboard, dan aplikasi ini sudah tersedia di cloud di botantrian.com. Lihat videonya di https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6hou1J2h2I
8. Buat kamu yang ingin mengadakan lelang ikan koi atau lelang produk lainnya via WhatsApp, kita bisa bantu bikin aplikasi lelang online. Penawar bisa ikut lelang dari grup mana saja, dan hasilnya akan langsung dikumpulin oleh bot. Kamu juga bisa install aplikasi ini di hosting cloud sendiri. Lihat source codenya di https://github.com/kukuhtw/whatsappbot_lelangikankoi.
9. Membuat direktori bisnis dengan pencarian semantik, memungkinkan pengguna mencari bisnis tertentu menggunakan bahasa. Aplikasi ini juga dapat diinstal di hosting cloud Anda sendiri.
10. Membuat bot yang dapat menerjemahkan suara menjadi teks menggunakan whisper API dari openAI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5qBOoUxsJY . request bisa disini https://www.fiverr.com/s/wKNpYw
11. Membuat bot untuk pelacakan kehadiran. Karyawan membagikan lokasi dan mengunggah foto menggunakan bot Telegram. Aplikasi ini dapat diinstal di hosting cloud Anda sendiri.
Pilih layanan kami untuk solusi teknologi terbaik dan memudahkan pengelolaan bisnis Anda!
english version:
Surely, you don’t want to miss out on the latest technology for your business, right? Well, with our services, you can get the best technology solutions to simplify your business. There are many applications that we can offer to help solve your business problems. Let’s see what we can help you with:
1. Do you have a lot of customer service issues with many complaints? Don’t worry, we have a customer service application that uses NLP technology with an API from ChatGPT 3.5 or 4 OpenAI. The bot conversations can be directly saved in the dashboard. Check out https://kukuhtw.medium.com/implementasi-client-pertama-api-chatgpt-pada-botbelanja-com-99722572c700 and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBqPQXzJ0Yw.
2. For those of you who sell online and receive orders via WhatsApp, we can help you create a WhatsApp bot application to store order and product data. Customers can also buy multiple items at once by typing in the SKU code. Watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rIWQEhQFIXo.
3. Do you need help sending WhatsApp messages to hundreds or thousands of numbers with personalized messages? We have an application for that. The message can be customized with recipient data, such as name, gender, and more. Check it out at https://ratakan.com/product/tutorial-dan-source-code-php-mysql-kirim-wa-blast-broadcast-messages-menggunakan-api-gateway-fonnte--4FD.
4. We can help you create an AI application to generate images based on text. There is an API that can be installed on the cloud or on a laptop/PC. Examples can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuhUV6NoZ50 or https://bikinavatar.com. You can also install this application on your own cloud hosting.
5. For those who need to create images or photos based on text and sketch images, we also have the AI application. There is an API that can be installed on the cloud or on a laptop/PC. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4ZiqI8U6n4.
6. Need help creating an automatic shift schedule? We can help you create an application for that. This application can be installed on the cloud or on a laptop/PC. Watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdyOAVXf9Fc.
7. For those of you who have a business and need an application for booking customers via WhatsApp, we can help create an application for that. It can be used for workshops, salons, restaurants, clinics, or banks. The queue can be viewed directly on the dashboard, and this application is already available in the cloud at botantrian.com. Watch the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6hou1J2h2I.
8. For those of you who want to hold koi fish auctions or other product auctions via WhatsApp, we can help create an online auction application. Bidders can participate in the auction from any group, and the results will be collected directly by the bot. You can also install this application on your own cloud hosting. See the source code at https://github.com/kukuhtw/whatsappbot_lelangikankoi.
9. Creating a business directory with semantic search capabilities, allowing users to search for specific businesses using language. This application can also be installed on your own cloud hosting.
10. Creating a bot that can translate speech to text using the whisper API from OpenAI. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-5qBOoUxsJY . check my gigs at https://www.fiverr.com/s/wKNpYw
11. Creating a bot for attendance tracking. Employees share their location and upload a photo using the Telegram bot. This application can be installed on your own cloud hosting.
Choose our services for the best technology solutions and to make managing your business easier!